Difference between digital signature and electronic signature

Difference between digital signature and electronic signature

What is the difference between digital signature and electronic signature?

The world is moving towards an era of electronic governance and electronic transactions. The electronic signatures and digital play an important role in the authentication of documents. All signatures related to electronic media are referred to as electronic signatures and include digital signatures.

All digital signatures are electronic in nature, but not all electronic signatures can be classified under digital signatures. Many companies provide electronic signature services to customers in a variety of industries because they are simple in nature. Any voice, image or print of a person used as a signature on an electronic document becomes an electronic signature. The digital signatures are signatures printed using a mathematical pattern embedded in the document or the mail.

Difference between active attack and passive attack

The key difference between active and passive attacks is that in active attacks, the attacker intercepts the connection and modifies the information. Whereas.

Definition of Electronic Signatures

The electronic signatures are very simple and easy to use and are widely accepted by many companies worldwide. A user can make an electronic signature by clicking on the mouse or by drawing a signature with the finger on the document.


Easy to use because they can be applied by a mouse click or you can draw a signature on the document with your finger.

They do not have to worry about coding and other titles and are therefore provided by many companies issuing electronic signatures.

The reduction of transaction costs related to electronic signatures makes it an unavoidable favorite against the signing of a paper document.

This will speed up business contracts and legal formalities, which is an advantage for your organization.

The inconvenient:

Digital Signatures

The digital signatures are a variety of electronic signatures that are encoded with a mathematical algorithm to authenticate the identity of the signer and secure documents against manipulation. Create digital signature has an integrated fingerprint that can be verified by digital verification.


  • The digital signatureswith integrated fingerprint verifiable offer maximum security to document owners. These fingerprints are immediately modified if the document is falsified. Some companies that issue digital signatures meet international standards.
  • In accordance with Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) standards, digitally signeddocuments are trustworthy and authentic.
  • More and more countries are legally accepting digital signaturesbecause of their high level of security and verification of their identity.
  • In the case of a digital signature, the signer does not need to trust the suppliers to maintain the authenticity of his digital signfor a document. Even if you change the provider, the authentication of the digital signature by a signer remains inside the document.


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